The #1 request we get is how do I negotiate my salary. Here is your answer.

The Salary Negotiation Essentials Course was designed for the individual who is simply looking to make more money but not sure how to negotiate, has tried to negotiate with minimal success, and cannot go another year making less than what they know they deserve. If that is you, here is what you will learn in the Salary Essentials Course:

  • Find your number, the base salary you want and deserve and be confident to negotiate.
  • Learn the importance of a sponsor, find one and nurture the relationship.
  • Learn & execute the elements of a strong counter offer.

Even if you are scared, get nervous and have never negotiated your salary; this course will walk you step by step through the process, build your confidence, give you the resources and tools to prepare to negotiate your next offer. 

Get Salary Negotiation Essentials Course Now

Enroll in the Salary Negotiation Essentials Course Now and increase your salary by 25-50% in the next 365 Days.

Step-by-Step Tactics from Jamila Brown

You'll learn:

  • How to prepare to negotiate your salary.
  • Learn what you should be negotiating as a part of your salary.
  • Get valuable resources to complete necessary research in preparation for your negotiation.
  • Get the strategic timing of when to negotiate your salary.
  • Understand where you are in the process and your career to make the necessary decisions to get the salary and compensation you want.
  • Learn the secret non-cash compensation items to negotiate that will return money back to your account.
  • Gain the confidence with the proper framework to negotiate.
  • Find out your number, your compensation number that you will negotiate for your salary moving forward.
  • Bonuses: as you complete the course you will get additional resources to help you prepare to negotiate!!!
Increase your salary by 25-50%