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How to Choose a Career Path and not Lose Yourself

career coaching career path career wellness careers Sep 16, 2024

The real question is: Why are we staying stuck? The answer might surprise you, but it’s all about how we pick our careers.


Too often, we choose courses in school or degrees based on what we’re told we’re "good at"—instead of aligning our career with what truly lights us up.

But here’s the truth – most people can do most jobs. Yet, somehow, many of us are stuck in roles that leave us feeling drained and uninspired.






This week on the 5 Minute Career Hack Podcast, we sat down with Stephen Short, a career expert with decades of research & consulting under his belt, to discuss why so many of us are trapped in the wrong jobs and how we can break free to find a career that energizes and excites us every day.


Highlights from the Episode:

  • Biggest career mistake? Choosing a degree based on your academic strengths, not your true interests.
  • 80% of people can do 80% of jobs—it’s your interest that sets you apart.
  • Your dream job isn’t about your skills, it’s about being in the flow—doing what you love without even realizing time is passing.
  • Passion vs. Stress: Doing something you love is passion; doing something just for the paycheck is stress.
  • Beware the romanticized version of careers like teaching or politics—understanding what the job really entails is key.

Stephen gave us so much to chew on, and if you’ve ever felt like you’re in the wrong place career-wise, this episode is a must-listen!



Actions You Can Take Today:

  1. Reflect on your flow: When was the last time you felt completely absorbed and happy at work? What were you doing, and can you do more of that?
  2. Identify your true interests: Forget what you’re “good at” or what people say you should do—what actually excites you?
  3. Consider your career vs. course choice: Are you chasing a degree that fits your skills but doesn’t align with your dream job? It’s not too late to pivot.



🎧 Listen to the Full Episode of the 5 Minute Career Hack Podcast!

Don’t miss out on the full conversation with Stephen Short. We dive deep into career choices, passion, and how to pivot for success.






🎯 Job Market Trends: Future-Proof Your Success (Not Just Your Career)

Are you ready for the job market of the future? Join us for Rise & Hack on Tuesday, September 17th, at 10 AM CST, as we dive deep into the latest job market trends and uncover actionable strategies to future-proof your success in an ever-changing world.

🔑 This isn’t just about surviving the job market; it’s about positioning yourself for long-term success. No fluff, no empty promises—just the insights and strategies you need to stay relevant.

💡 Bring your questions on careers, compensation, trends, and more. This is your chance to get real answers that can impact your future.

Rise & Hack Audio Event on LinkedIn! Happening tomorrow, 9/17 at 10 AM CST📅 Save your spot now and get ready to take control of your career journey. 👇

Rise & Hack LinkedIn Audio Event



🔥 Ready to Burn the Rulebook? Join the Career Transformation Lab!


It’s time to stop playing by outdated career rules. If you’re tired of settling and ready to take control of your career and life, the Burn the Rulebook: Career Transformation Lab is for you. Over three days, we’ll dive into strategies that will help you live on purpose, boost your confidence, and finally get the compensation you deserve. You’ll walk away with tools to execute your career goals with clarity and precision.


Your career doesn’t have to be a grind. If you're ready to start living your life and career on purpose, this is your moment to make a change. Let’s burn the rulebook together!


Sign up today and start transforming your future!
👉 Join the Career Transformation Lab Now

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