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3 Common Reasons You’re Not Getting Your Desired Salary

mindset negotiate podcast salary salarynegotiation Sep 05, 2024
"Why am I not getting the salary I'm asking for, despite my qualifications?"

You either fall in 1 of the 2 buckets below, and either way understanding the 3 Common Reasons why you're not getting your desired salary will get you on the path towards the salary you deserve.

Bucket #1

You have never negotiated a salary or asked for more than what you were offered.

Bucket #2

If you've ever asked for a raise or negotiated a starting salary, you may have experienced the frustration of not receiving what you believed you were worth. It can be disheartening, especially when you’ve done your research, articulated your value, and presented your case, yet the offer doesn’t meet your expectations.

Here are the key reasons why professionals struggle with getting the salary they want and how to overcome these challenges. It's why I shared an excerpt from my interview on Orlando Hayne's podcast CareerTalks as this week's 5 Minute Career Hack.

3 Common Reasons You’re Not Getting Your Desired Salary

According to our discussion in the podcast, there are three main reasons why people fail to receive the compensation they expect during salary negotiations. Let’s break them down:

  1. You Don’t Truly Believe in Your Value

    • Many professionals say they want a specific salary, but deep down, they don't fully believe they deserve it. Confidence in your value is crucial—if you don’t believe you’re worth it, how can you expect others to?
  2. You’re Not Clearly Demonstrating Your Value

    • Even if you believe in your value, you might not be showing it in the right way. Are your communication skills strong? Is your resume or presentation highlighting your achievements in a way that resonates with hiring managers or decision-makers? Your body language, tone, and ability to articulate your worth all play a role in how your value is perceived.
  3. You Lack the Confidence to Ask for What You’re Worth

    • Finally, many professionals shy away from confidently asking for their desired salary. They may believe they deserve more, but the fear of rejection holds them back. If you don’t ask boldly, it’s unlikely you’ll receive bold offers.


Key Takeaways for Professionals

Identify Which Bucket You’re In
Are you struggling with self-belief, how you present your value, or your confidence in asking for more? Identifying where you fall is the first step in improving your negotiations. You may be in one bucket or a combination of all three.

Leverage Your Past Successes
Confidence isn’t something you build overnight. Reflect on other areas of your life where you’ve grown in confidence—perhaps in your personal life, previous jobs, or other negotiations. Use that experience to remind yourself that you’re capable of asking for and receiving more.

Practice Makes Perfect
The more you practice, the better you’ll become at confidently articulating your worth. Whether it’s role-playing with a friend, working with a mentor, or simply practicing in front of a mirror, honing your negotiation skills takes time.

Understand That Confidence Evolves
Building confidence in salary negotiations is an ongoing process. Every stage of your career will require a new level of confidence. The good news is that you’ve likely been through this process before, and you can draw from your previous experiences to strengthen your current negotiation strategies.


Reflect on Your Belief in Your Value: Take a moment to assess whether you truly believe in the salary you're asking for. If not, ask yourself why and what steps you can take to strengthen that belief.

Evaluate How You’re Presenting Your Value: Is your resume clear, concise, and compelling? Do your interview responses and negotiations reflect the value you bring? Consider updating your resume or practicing your negotiation pitch.

Boost Your Confidence in Asking for More: Practice, practice, practice. Get comfortable asking for what you deserve. 

Want More Information on Salary Negotiations? Ready to take control of your career? Get access to our Salary Negotiation Essentials Course. You’ll get actionable tips and strategies to confidently ask for—and get—the salary you deserve.

Salary negotiations are tough, but by identifying where you may be falling short and taking steps to address those areas, you can dramatically improve your perceived value and achieve the compensation you deserve. Listen to the full episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or watch on YouTube, and don’t forget to join our Community for even more exclusive career growth content.

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How to grow your salary by 25-50% in the next 365 Days. Get Salary Negotiations Essentials Course

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